Mike’s All Elite Wrestling Revolution 2025 Recap


Match 1

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs Adam Page

MJF and Page trade shots to start and Page gets the upper hand and unloads on MJF in the corner, but referee Bryce Remsburg pulls him off and MJF catches Page with a rake to the face. MJF locks in a chinlock and then turns it in to a side headlock takeover on Page. Page goes for a sleeperhold but MJF counters with a jawbreaker. MJF hits the ropes and stops and lands a knee strike to Page. Page goes for a frankensteiner but Page turns it into a powerbomb/backbreaker combination for a near fall. MJF taunts the crowd but Page counters him and lands a fall away slam on MJF. Page lands a series of shots and sends MJF to the apron, Page goes for a springboard lariat but MJF catches himself however Page catches him with a clothesline to the back of the head sending MJF to the floor. Page rolls MJF into the ring and goes for the BUCKSHOT LARIAT but MJF rolls out of the way. Page catches MJF knocking him back to the floor and lands a big moonsault off the top rope to the floor. MJF and Page both go for big moves and it’s MJF who lands an elevated hammerlock DDT for a near fall. MJF goes for the HEATSEEKER but Page throws him off and lands the BUCKSHOT LARIAT but MJF gets his foot on the bottom rope to break up the count.

Page goes for another BUCKSHOT LARIAT but a weary MJF falls through the ropes to the floor. Page rolls MJF back into the ring but this time MJF counters the BUCKSHOT LARIAT with the SALT OF THE EARTH ARM BAR and the turns it into another submission but Page gets to the ropes and rolls to the floor. Page goes for a moonsault off the guard rail but MJF catches him and lands a tombstone piledriver on to a chair but Page is able to beat the count back into the ring at the last split second. MJF goes for the HEATSEEKER but Page throws him off. Page hooks MJF and lands the DEAD EYE followed by ANGELS WINGS. Page goes to the apron and lands the BUCKSHOT LARIAT for the win.

Winner Adam Page

Mone-Momo video package

Match 2

For the All Elite Wrestling TBS Championship

Mercedes Mone vs Momo Watanabe

Mone and Momo lock up, and Mone forces Momo into the corner and breaks clean. Momo gets a waistlock but Mone counters and goes after the arm but Momo counters and sends her into the ropes and leaps over and Mone taunts the Los Angeles crowd. Momo snaps Mone over and then insultingly pats her on the head. Mone locks in a side headlock but Momo shoots her off and gets caught with a shoulder tackle. Mone goes for a Lucha arm drag but Momo counters. Mone goes for a headscissorrs but Momo counters and the two exchange near falls. Mone and Momo go to the apron and go for moves but it’s Mone dropping to the floor and powerbominb Momo off the apron to get the advantage. Mone rolls Momo into the ring and scores a near fall. Mone locks in a submission on the mat as we see Billie Starkz taking notes in the crowd. Mone goes for the GORY BOMB but Momo escapes and goes for the backslide which Mone rolls through, but Momo hooks Mercedes and drives her down into the mat for a near fall. Mone comes back and lands the 3 Amigos but gets countered. Momo hooks Mone into suplex position but tied her up into the tree of woe and lands a series of kicks. Mone goes for the O’Connor Roll but Momo counters into a crossface chicken wing, but Mone escapes and lands the lungblower on Momo.

Mone sends Momo into the turnbuckle and then lands the Meteora off the top rope for a near fall. Momo comes back and lands a Meteora on the apron to Mone. Mone lands a series of shots and does a big move off the ropes into the STATEMENT but Momo escapes the hold. Mone goes for the MONEY MAKER but Momo counters but Mone lands a big powerbomb on Momo. Mone climbs the ropes but Momo catches her and lands an Avalanche powerslam for a near fall. Momo lands a suplex variation for a near fall. Momo goes for the PEACH SUNRISE but Mone sits out to block it. Momo comes off the ropes but Mone avoids it and lands a reverse crossbody for a near fall. Mone hooks Momo and lands the MONEY MAKER into the STATEMENT for the submission win.

Winner by Submission and Still All Elite Wrestling TBS Champion Mercedes Mone

Swerve-Ricochet video package

Match 3

Number 1 Contenders Match

Swerve Strickland w Prince Nana vs Ricochet

Swerve and Ricochet trade moves to begin things and Swerve lands a big shoulder tackle sending Ricochet to the floor. Swerve and Ricochet trade moves again but this time it’s Swerve landing a big backbreaker variation on Ricochet. Swerve works over Ricochet in the corner and snaps him over and lands a big shot. Swerve works over Ricochet early and lands a big clothesline sending Ricochet to the floor. Swerve goes after Ricochet on the floor and Nana gets involved and Swerve shoves him down to the mat. Swerve goes after Nana and Ricochet catches a distracted Swerve with a walk kick off the barricade. Ricochet sends Swerve into the ring and lands a springboard clothesline for a near fall, as we see Prince Nana leave ringside. Ricochet works over Swerve in the corner and lands a big cutter off the ropes for a near fall. Ricochet locks in a chinlock but Swerve gets back to his feet and catches the leg of Ricochet and lands a big backbreaker, followed by a dropkick and both men are down.

Swerve lands a series of clotheslines and works over Ricochet and lands a big suplex variation on Ricochet. Swerve and Ricochet jock for position on the ropes and Ricochet falls to the apron. Ricochet catches Swerve with a kick to the face and lands a springboard frankensteiner for a near fall. Swerve lands a series of powerbombs and turns one into a powerslam for a near fall. Swerve and Ricochet go to the apron and it’s Ricochet gaining the edge and landing a poison-rana on the apron. Ricochet puts Swerve on the SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE, Ricochet goes for something but Swerve counters and lands the VERTABREAKER on Ricochet. Swerve rolls Ricochet back into the ring and lands the SWERVE STOMP for a near fall. Ricochet rakes the eyes and lands a northern lights suplex and floats into a brainbuster, Ricochet climbs the ropes and lands the 630 for a near fall.

Ricochet goes after Prince Nana’s robe but Nana runs back to the ring and snatches it. Swerve and Ricochet trade moves and Ricochet takes Nana out with a big dive to the floor and snatches the robe and puts it on. Ricochet hooks Swerve and lands his finish for a near fall. Nana tries to grab hold of the robe from the outside and gets drug in. Swerve sneaks in an O’Connor Roll but Ricochet nearly sends him into Nana, Ricochet hooks Swerve and sends him into Nana and gets the O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Swerve comes back and lands 2 HOUSE CALLS for a near fall. Swerve hooks Ricochet and lands BIG PRESSURE for the win.

Winner Swerve Strickland

Okada-Brody King video package

Match 4

For the All Elite Wrestling Continental Title

Brody King vs Kazuchika Okada

King and Okada lock up, and Okada forces King into the corner but breaks clean. Okada goes for a bodyslam but King counters and lands one of his own and Okada rolls to the floor. King chops Okada around the ring but Okada catches him coming back into the ring and lands a series of shots. Match spills to the floor and King works over Okada but Okada avoids a charging King who goes into a steel chair and Okada lands a big DDT on King and rolls him back into the ring. Okada lands a series of moves and works over King. Okada climbs the ropes but King catches him with a shot and lands a big superplex. Match spills to the floor again and this time King seats Okada in a chair at ringside and crushes him with a crossbody and rolls him back into the ring. Okada comes back and lands a backbreaker variation and then lands the flying elbow and teases the RAINMAKER pose but of course flips off the Los Angeles crowd. King comes back and lands a series of moves but Okada sends him to the floor and lands a running knee sending King into the corner. Okada tries to use a steel chair but referee Stefan Smith catches him, but instead it’s Okada using the Continental title belt and scoring a near fall. Okada goes for the RAINMAKER but King counters with a clothesline of his own. King goes for a powerbomb but Okada escapes and King lands a big headbutt. King goes for the cannonball in the corner but Okada catches him with a dropkick and lands the RAINMAKER for the win.

Winner and Still All Elite Wrestling Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada

Match 5

All Elite Wrestling Tag Team Champions The Hurt Syndicate-Bobby Lashely and Shelton Benjamin w MVP beat the Outrunners-Truth Magnum and Turbo Floyd with a knee strike/spear combination on Floyd.

Toni Storm-Mariah May video package

Match 6

The Hollywood Ending for the All Elite Wrestling Women’s Title

Toni Storm vs Mariah May

Storm and Mariah brawl in the entry way to start and Storm and Lutha turn over a table draped in white. Storm and Mariah continue to brawl and try to take each other off the stage. Mariah gets a taser but Lutha distracts her but Mariah low blows him and dropkicks him over another table but seems to take a nasty bump in the process. Mariah goes after Storm who catches her and lands a two handed choke bomb off the stage through a table on Mariah. Strom brings Mariah back to ringside but Mariah escapes the grasp. Mariah tries to escape through the crowd but gets crotched and Storm lands the draping DDT off the guard rail for a near fall. Mariah comes back and lands a piledriver on the steps that busts open Storm. Mariah goes underneath the ring and gets a chain and some chairs and puts them in the ring. Mariah ties Storm to the tree of woe and puts a chair across the face and lands a running hip attack on Storm. Storm and Mariah both get buckets of broken glass and tape. Storm and Mariah avoid punches but eventually Storm catches Mariah with one in the mouth. Storm pours out both buckets of broken glass and uses the neck of the champaigne bottle to scrape across the face of Mariah, but Mariah fires back by catching Storm between the legs with the champaigne bottle.

Mariah props Storm on the ropes and goes for something but Storm fights her off, but Mariah lands the handstand frankensteiner into the glass followed by the MAY DAY for a near fall. Mariah goes for MAY DAY again but Storm counters and lands STORM ZERO for a near fall. Storm goes to the floor and grabs the SHOE. Mariah tries to escape but Storm follows her up the ramp. Mariah begs off but counters the SHOE and lands a MAY DAY on the ramp for a near fall. Mariah brings Storm to the other side of the ramp and they climb the steps but Storm comes back and destroys Mariah with the SHOE and then lands STORM ZERO off the steps through a table for the win.

Winner and Still All Elite Wrestling Women’s Champion Toni Storm

Omega-Takeshita video package

Match 7

For the All Elite Wrestling International Title

Konosuke Takeshita w Don Calis vs Kenny Omega

Takeshita and Omega lock up, Takeshita locks in a side headlock and Omega shoots him off and they collide and no one moves. Takeshita and Omega trade shots and Takeshita blows through a chop from Omega and lands a big flying clothesline. Omega comes back and lands a series of shots and sends Takeshita to the floor and lands a slingshot crossbody block to the floor and beats Takeshita around the ring. Takeshita comes back and lands a series of shots and works over Omega. Takeshita locks in a chinlock back in the ring and works him over. Takeshita sends Omega to the floor and backs off the referee while Don Calis gets involved. Takeshita goes for the Irish whip but gets reversed and holds on. Takeshita sends Omega to the apron but Omega fights him off but misses a crossbody from the top rope. Takeshita goes underneath the ring and sets up a table on the floor. Takeshita and Omega trade shots on the apron but Omega gets the edge and sends Takeshita to the floor. Omega goes for the Finlay Roll/Moonsault combination but Takeshita shoves Omega off the barricade into the crowd.

Takeshita unloads a huge forearm shot on Omega as he rolls back into the ring for a near fall. Takeshita hooks Omega and lands a big suplex for a near fall and locks in a waistlock but Omega gets back to his feet and claps the ears of Takeshita. Omega comes back and sends Takeshita to the floor, Omega goes for a dive but Don Calis trips him and Takeshita land the Cactus Clothesline to the floor. Takeshita hooks Omega and lands a German Suplex on the floor on Omega. Takeshita flips over the table and suplexes Omega on top of the back of the table. Takeshita rolls Omega back into the ring and lands a series of senton splashes. Takeshita climbs the ropes and goes for a senton splash but misses.

Takeshita and Omega trade shots, Takeshita goes for another flying clothesline but Omega catches him with a Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega hooks Takeshita and lands a big powerbomb and rolls him into a knee strike for a near fall. Takeshita props Omega on the top rope and just knocks him off the the floor. Takeshita climbs the ropes but Omega comes back and lands a sunset flip powerbomb off the ropes. Omega goes for a tombstone piledriver but Takeshita counters and lands one of his own, followed by a spinning cradle tombstone piledriver for a near fall, and the POWERDRIVE KNEE that gets a 1 count. Omega comes back and lands a series of knees and lands a spike piledriver for a near fall. Omega goes for the One Winged Angel but Don Calis stops it and Omega kicks away at Calis. Omega and Takeshita both go for finishers but can’t get them applied. Omega goes for the La Magistral Cradle and Takeshita attempts to reverse it but Omega reverses it back and scores the fall.

Winner and NEW All Elite Wrestling International Champion Kenny Omega

Will Ospreay-Kyle Fletcher video package

Match 8

Steel Cage Match

Will Ospreay vs Kyle Fletcher w Don Calis

Ospreay and Fletcher trade shots to start, Ospreay and Fletcher trade shoulder blocks and Fletcher gets the upper hand and mows through Ospreay with a shoulder block. Ospreay and Fletcher both try to send each other into the cage early but block and Ospreay catches Fletcher with a frankenseiner. Osprey tries to send Fletcher into the cage and Fletcher tries to block and Ospreay just runs the fingers into the cage. Ospreay goes for an Irish whip and gets reversed and goes for the handstand but runs his ankle into the steel cage.. THAT WAS A DUMB MOVE. Fletcher catches Ospreay with a big clothesline and then runs his face into the cage and then licks the blood of Ospreay off the steel cage. Ospreay goes for the OS-CUTTER but Fletcher catches him and harpoons Ospreay into the cage face first. Fletcher sends Ospreay into the corner and lands punches to the bloody face of Ospreay. Fletcher goes for the Irish whip but Ospreay leaps off the ropes and lands a springboard forearm on Fletcher.

Ospreay lands a series of forearms and sends the face of Fletcher from one side of the cage to the other and lands a big back body drop and a twisting senton splash. Fletcher comes back and goes for a superplex but Ospreay slides out and does the cheeke-nandos spot and then slinshots Fletcher face first into the cage. Ospreay traps Fletcher between the ropes and lands a series of chops and sends the back of the head of Fletcher into the cage with each one. Ospreay picks up and slams Fletcher and climbs the ropes but Fletcher catches him but Ospreay counters and lands another twisting corkscrew move of his own. Ospreay and Fletcher trade kicks to the head and both go for big moves but it’s Fletcher landing the big brainbuster on Ospreay for a near fall. Mark Davis walks to the ring with a bag in his hand and the first thing he gets out of the bag is bulb cutters to unlock the cage. Davis gets a steel chair into the ring before getting the cage door kicked in his face. Ospreay gets a barbed wire bat and lands a shot to the gut of Fletcher and then rakes it across the face. Ospreay lands the HIDDEN BLADE followed by the STORM BREAKER but Mark Davis gets involved. Fletcher and Davis go for a double team but Ospreay fightsd them off and lands a HIDDEN BLADE into a chair on Davis.

Ospreay and Fletcher climb the cage and Fletcher gets a screw driver and nails Ospreay with it and then lands a series of shots with it. Ospreay goes for the STYLES CLASH but Fletcher counters and rolls through and lands a brainbuster on Ospreay. Fletcher sets up two chairs and lands a brainbuster through the chairs for a near fall. Fletcher gets another bag out of the previous bag and dumps it out and it’s thumbtacks. Ospreay comes back and lands the STYLES CLASH into the thumbtacks. Ospreaay and Fletcher end up fighting on top of the cage and Ospreay uses another screw driver to the head. Osrpeay and Fletcher keep fighting on top of the cage and Ospreay lands a SPANISH FLY on Fletcher. Ospreay gets to his feet and Fletcher gets to his knees and has some choice words and eats a HIDDEN BLADE from Ospreay. Ospreay hooks Fletcher and lands double underhook driver on Fletcher for the win.

Winner Will Ospreay

Mox-Copeland video package to lead to our main event of the evening

Main Event

For the All Elite Wrestling Title

Jon Moxley vs Adam Copeland vs Christian Cage

Moxley and Copeland have a long slug fest to begin things. Moxley goes for a piledriver early but Copeland escapes and then clotheslines Moxley to the floor. Copeland catches Moxley with a baseball slide dropkick, and then climbs the ropes and lands a big crossbody from the top to the floor on Moxley and rolls him back into the ring. Moxley goes for the BULLDOG CHOKE early but Copeland counters. Moxley goes for another piledriver but Copeland dumps him to the floor again. Copeland goes after Moxley but Moxley sends Copeland back first into the ring post and then drives Copeland face first into the ring post and also lands a neckbreaker on the apron on Copeland. Moxley works over the neck of Copeland. Moxley charges the corner but Copeland and misses and Copleand gets a roll up for a near fall, but Moxley lands the CUTER on Copeland, who comes back with the Impaler DDT on Moxley. Copeland gets to his knees and Moxley paintbrushes him but Copeland fires back with a clothesline.

Copeland lands more clotheslines and drives the head of Moxley into the canvas for a near fall. Copeland lands a big spear off the apron on Moxley. Copeland goes for an Irish whip but gets reversed and sent into the steel steps. Moxley exposes the floorboards at ringside and goes for a piledriver but Copeland counters with a back drop onto the boards. Copeland goes for another spear on the outside but Moxley gets the knee up and then lands the big STOMP driving Copeland’s face into the concrete. Moxley rolls Copeland into the ring and scores a near fall, and then locks in the BULLDOG CHOKE but Copeland fights through it. Moxley tries to use a steel chair but referee Bryce Remsburg stops him, Copeland gets an O’Connor Roll but Moxley kicks him off into referee Bryce Remsburg. Moxley gets two chairs and goes for the Conchairto but Copeland kicks one of the chairs into Moxley’s face. Wheeler Yuta comes to the ring and teases hitting Moxley but instead lands the running knee strike on Copeland.

Moxley goes to the floor and gets his briefcase but here comes Jay White to save the day and briefly clean house. White picks up Moxley’s briefcase but ends up clocking Copeland with it, and White and Yuta brawl to the backstage area, as Moxley scores a near fall. Moxley goes to argue with referee Bryce Remsburg but turns into a spear from Copeland. Copeland lands several more spears and goes for the count but here comes CHRISTIAN CAGE to cash his title opportunity that he won back at ALL IN LONDON and the match is now a Triple Threat Match. Christian catches Copeland with a spear for a near fall. Chrisitan hooks Copeland and lands the KILLSWITCH but Moxley stops the count by locking in the BULLDOG CHOKE, Christian tries to reach for Copeland but gets pulled away as Moxley applies pressure and Christian passes out.

Winner and Still All Elite Wrestling Champion Jon Moxley

After the match. Jon Moxley makes his way through the crowd and towards the exit but is met by Prince Nana. Moxley and Nana have words and security comes in, but from the balcony of the arena it’s Swerve Strickland landing a SWERVE STOMP taking everyone out which gets a good pop from the crowd to close the show.

Very good show overall here. A solid opener with MJF/Page, a very good Swerve/Ricochet match with some great storytelling from Prince Nana and the robe. A solid Omega/Takeshita match with a nice win for Omega. Two very good ends to some feuds with Toni/Mariah and Ospreay/Fletcher. Main event was a little long for what they did but the end with Swerve attacking Moxley sets up the next title shot for Moxley at Dynasty. Thumbs up show. Thanks for reading everyone.