On the road to Stand & Deliver, the NXT superstars have one more Roadblock in their way. Oba Femi defends his NXT Championship against the one and only TNA’s X Division Champion, Moose! The NXT Women’s Champion Giulia and NXT Women’s North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer will go one-on-one in an historic champion vs. champion title-for-title match! The Hardy Boyz will defend their TNA Tag Team Championships against NXT’s Tag Team Champions, Axiom and Nathan Frazer! Jordynne Grace goes one-on-one with Roxanne Perez! So much more will go down before we get to Stand & Deliver, tonight on NXT!
We are live in New York City with NXT: Roadblock! We see the arrivals of Oba Femi, Moose, Stephanie Vaquer, and Giulia. Vic Joseph, Booker T and Corey Graves are back on commentary. We’re ready to start the night with a championship match, and it’s not from NXT!
* TNA World Tag Team Championship: Fraxiom {NXT Tag Team Champions} vs. The Hardy Boyz {C}
Axiom and Matt Hardy will start the match for their respective teams. They lock up collar-and-elbow with the crowd already hyped up for this match, Axiom with a rear waistlock, but Matt backs him to a corner and hits a pull-back sit-out powerbomb for a 2-count. Jeff Hardy tags in, hits a legdrop on the apron after Matt provided the catapult into the ropes, Jeff covers for 2, Matt gets tagged back in, hits a jawbreaker, Jeff clotheslines Axiom, and Matt covers for 2. We see Je’Von Evans getting taped up for his match later on. Nathan Frazer makes the blind tag, they double kick against the Hardyz with several kicks and dropkicks, Frazer hits a suicide dive, Axiom hits a suicide dive, then Frazer hits a tope con hilo and lands on his feet, then Axiom hits a diving moonsault from the top rope onto both on the floor!
We get our first commercial break with picture-in-picture to continue watching the action. Frazer suplexes Matt for 2, puts him in a cravate, snapmare into a neck snap, and covers for 2. Axiom tags in, puts him in a rear chinlock, crucifix pin for 2, back to the chinlock, Frazer tags in, gamengiri, Axiom hits a German suplex, they both superkick him, and Frazer hits a running shooting star splash for 2. Matt battles back, Frazer hits a back elbow, 2-count, and goes back to the chinlock and a headlock.
When we come back full screen, Matt is trying to battle back and hits a headlock slam. Axiom and Jeff get the hot tags, Jeff goes on offense with clotheslines, legdrops, tosses Frazer out the ring, then Axiom catches Jeff in an armbreaker, but Jeff counters with a rollup for 2. Jeff delivers a gourdbuster, covers, Frazer breaks up the count, tosses Matt out the ring, Matt blocks the suicide dive and counters with the Side Effect on the floor! Axiom counters Twist of Fate, Matt tags in, Jeff hits the Plot Twist, Matt catches him with the neckbreaker on the way down, and covers for a near-fall. Jeff tags in, goes up top, Matt calls for Twist of Fate, but Axiom counters shoving matt into Jeff to crotch him, and superkicks Matt. Axiom tags in Frazer, hits Jeff with the gamengiri, goes up top, delivers the SPANISH FLY, Frazer follows up with the PHOENIX SPLASH, makes the cover, and Matt sends Axiom onto them to break the count!
All four men are down, Matt deliver the back suplex slam to Axiom, Frazer hits Matt with an enzuigiri, Jeff hits Frazer with the mule kick, then hits both with Whisper in the Wind, hits the TWIST OF FATE to Frazer, then covers for 1-2-KICKOUT!! “This is awesome! This is awesome!” Frazer hits Jeff with the enzuigiri, Axiom superkicks Matt on the apron, Jeff puts his feet up to block Frazer off the top, Axiom goes up top next, Jeff rolls out the way, Axiom counters the Twist of Fate with a backslide for 2, and hits a pump knee. Frazer tags in, sets up for the Russian legsweep, but Jeff puts him in the way of Axiom’s missile dropkick for the miscue, and Matt plants Axiom with the TWIST OF FATE! Jeff goes up top, hits the SWANTON BOMB, and covers for the 3-count!! WINNERS and STILL TNA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: THE HARDY BOYZ!!
The Hardy Boyz look on at a defeated Fraxiom and appreciate their efforts.
Backstage, Jaida Parker is praising herself to Mickie James, who agrees with her and gives her some more praise. Mickie advises her to remember about Stand & Deliver season, and they share a mutual admiration for each another. Breaktime as Roxanne Perez heads to the ring.
When we come back, we see The D’Angelo Family sitting in the back discussing what happened last week. Stacks is taking the blame for costing Tony D’Angelo the championship match. Tony walks in, Stacks apologizes again, Tony doesn’t blame him for anything, and Stacks says they set up a 6-person tag match for next week. Tony says he’ll let him take care of business and they shake on it.
* Roxanne Perez vs. Jordynne Grace
Roxanne tries to run around and outsmart her opponent, but Jordynne catches up to her and claps her ears. Jordynne hits a sidewalk slam, spinebuster, ground-n-pound, and gets a 2-count. Jordynne stomps her down in the ropes and knocks her off the apron, but then Roxanne catches her leg to block a dropkick through the ropes and clips her knee into the steel steps. We see Moose getting ready backstage for his match. Jordynne gets back in the ring at the count of 8, Rozanne pummels her, hits a running European uppercut, side Russian legsweep, floats into the cover and gets 2. Roxanne works on the legs, O’Connor roll, Jordynne counters with a rear naked choke, Roxanne counters to work on the legs again, but then Jordynne catches her for a big slam. Jordynne goes for a springboard but slips on the ropes, she sells the knee, allowing Roxanne to take advantage with a mat slam off the ropes, she wraps Grace’s leg around the steel ringpost and stomps on it over the turnbuckle.
Picture-in-picture during the break, Roxanne continues to work over the left leg of Grace. She gets tossed onto the apron, kicks her in the leg, goes up top, Jordynne cuts her off and headbutts her. Roxanne counters the Muscle Buster, dropkicks her in the knee, covers for 2, works over the leg some more, then applies the figure-4 leglock. Roxanne continues to attack the leg throughout the rest of the commercial break.
When we come back, Jordynne does a tilt-a-whirl into a German suplex and tries to psyche herself up. They trade shots back and forth, Roxanne kicks her in the knee, Jordynne body slams her, Roxanne kicks her again, Jordynne body slams her again, Roxanne clips her knee, jackkife pin for 2, Jordynne rolls her over into a sit-down powerbomb and gets a 2-count! We see Oba Femi getting ready for his match backstage. “This is awesome! This is awesome!” Jordynne sets her up oin the top turnbuckle, Roxanne fights her off, goes for a crossbody, Jordynne rolls through, powers her back up, goes for the death valley driver, Roxanne counters, hits a superkick, chopblock, tilt-a-whirl facebuster, goes up top, connects with the frog splash, and gets a 2-count! Roxanne puts her in the crossface with the leg hooked, Jordynne counters for a 2-count, Roxanne against counters with a kick, Jordynne blocks the Pop Rox, so Roxanne does a backslide for 2. Jordynne hits a backfist, then connects with the rolling death valley driver and hits the BEAST MODE for 3! WINNER: JORDYNNE GRACE!
We get the notice that WWE takes over Tampa for the final weekend in May with Saturday Night’s Main Event on Saturday the 24th, WWE Battleground on Sunday the 25th, Raw on Monday the 26th, and NXT on Tuesday the 27th all at the Yuengling Center.
Moose and Oba Femi are walking the halls backstage as their match will be coming up. Oba Femi stops when he sees Undertaker, and the legend says he’s been watching Femi for a while, he’s impressed, then tells him to go out there and defend his yard, and they share mutual respect. Breaktime.
Moose heads to the ring with the TNA X Division Championship around his waist. Oba Femi comes out next with the NXT Championship around his waist, and it’s his title that will be on the line. Mike Rome does the proper title match introductions, and this big match with two big men is underway!
* NXT Championship: Moose {TNA X Division Champion} vs. Oba Femi {C}
The crowd is alive! They lock up collar-and-elbow, both men at a power stalemate, Moose backs him to the ropes, clean break, Moose chops him, Femi reverses and chops him back, shoulder thrust, Moose puts him in a headlock, and Oba hits a shoulder tackle. Moose kips up, clotheslines him out the ring, steps onto the apron, and Femi hits a big SLAP to the chest dropping him! Moose boots him off the apron, Femi slams him hard onto the apron, and we take a commercial break.
We get picture-in-picture here as Oba gets his challenger back into the ring, mounted punches, and hits an elbow drop for only a 1-count. Oba hits a surprising jumping calf kick, covers for only 1, another cover for 1, and a third 1-count before attempting a bearhug. Moose headbutts him, plants him with a urinage, hits a running senton, and covers for 1. Femi counters a powerbomb, Moose fights off his shoulders, hits a dropkick, gets a 2-count, then puts him in a rear chinlock for the rest of the break.
Femi gets to his feet when we come back, tries to force a break, Moose puts him in a headlock, and Femi counters with a back suplex toss! Femi plants him with the FALL FROM GRACE and Moose rolls out the ring! Femi goes after him, but Moose sends him into the steel steps! We see Stephanie Vaquer getting ready for her main event match. Back in the ring, Moose hits a running European uppercut, then Femi follows up with his own running European uppercut, Moose hits a pump kick, goes for a springboard shoulder tackle but Femi counters with an uppercut in mid-air, then covers for 2.5! Femi plants him with the death valley driver (moreso the Attitude Adjustment), covers, and gets another near-fall. The crowd starts the duel chant of “Let’s go Cena!” and “Cena sucks!!” Moose counters and sends the champ into the ringpost shoulder-first, sets him up on the top turnbuckle, delivers the SUPERPLEX, rolls over and back up, and Femi delivers his own suplex!
Both men are down, they trade punches and forearm smashes, Femi clotheslines him, Moose with a pump kick, Femi stays on his feet and clotheslines him inside-out! Moose counters the Fall From Grace, delivers his own powerbomb, and covers for 2.9! Femi counters a powerbomb, picks him up on his shoulders, and PRESS SLAMS MOOSE OUT THE RING!! The ref starts his count, Moose gets back in at 9, taunting Femi in the process, they grab each other by the throat, punches fly, Femi with the Cactus Clothesline out the ring, Moose whips him into the ringpost, then CHOKE SLAMS FEMI THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!! “Holy shit! Holy shit!” Moose throws Femi back into the ring, hits the SPEAR, and covers for 1-2-KICKOUT! Moose sets up for another, Femi catches him with the FALL FROM GRACE, makes the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!!! WINNER and STILL NXT CHAMPION: OBA FEMI!!
WHAT A MATCH!!! And we’re still not done yet!
We see an Instagram post from Zaria and she wants to get Sol Ruca ready for her United States Championship match against Chelsea Green next week. Zaria takes her to a room where they can smash glass bottles, they do some axe throwing, and they do a shoe-y.
Backstage, Fallon Henley is complaining to General Manager Ava about getting a North American Championship rematch, and they rest of Fatal Influence back her up. Ricky Saints shows up, and they say he doesn’t belong before storming off. Ava grants Ricky Saints a match against Ridge Holland for next week, then Ethan Page scoffs at Saints before heading to the ring for the next match. Breaktime.
* Street Fight: Ethan Page vs. Je’Von Evens
Both men are ready for this fight in street clothes and taped fists. Page boots him in the face at the bell, hits a running back elbow, Evans pummels him after a double-leg takedown, thrust kick, and hits a suicide dive sending Page into the front row, then slams him onto the steel steps. We see Giulia getting ready for the main event in a stairwell. Page fights back, whips him into the steel steps, puts a chair into the ring, throws Je’Von into the ring, and brings in a few more chairs. Page clobbers him on the back with a chair, wedges another chair in the turnbuckles, Evans hits him with a chair to defend himself and goes on offense with more chair chots. Both men avoid the chair wedged in the corner, but Evans dropkicks him from behind to send him into the wedged chair, then does a springboard hurricanrana to send him into an open chair in the ring,and covers for a near-fall.
Evans brings a table into the ring, leans it in a corner, Page tries to slam him into it, Evans counters with a sunset flip for 2, superkicks him, they kick each other in the head, they both swing chairs, and Evans hits a spinning back suplex onto a chair for a 2-count. Evans resets the table in the corner, opens two chairs, stands on them, Page blocks him, rams his head into the turnbuckle, then slams him through the chairs! Page covers for 2, pulls him up onto his shoulders, powerslams him through the table, and covers for another 2-count! Breaktime.
When we come back, Evans connects with a high springboard clothesline! Page punches him in the jaw to counters a springboard, plants him with EGO’S EDGE, and covers for 2.99! Evans slaps him across the face, fights back with lefts and rights, a big right hand of his own, sends him into the steel steps, rolls him back into the ring, ducks a chair swing, hits a spinning kick to knock chair into his head, then hits a RUNNING CUTTER OVER THE ROPES AND FROM THE APRON THROUGH A TABLE BRIDGE in front of the announce table! “This is awesome! This is awesome!” Evans gets back into the ring, then hits a suicide dive over the ropes and ONTO the announce table!! Evans gets him back into the ring, hits the SPRINGBOARD CORKSCREW SPLASH, and gets the 1-2-KICKOUT!! Evans puts a chair around Page’s neck, Page avoids the stomp, throws the chair at him, but Evans comes back with a JUMPING CUTTER ONTO THE CHAIR! Evans puts the chair back around Page’s neck, hits the SPRINGBOARD CUTTER JAMMING HIM IN THE CHAIR, makes the cover, 1-2-3!!! WINNER: JE’VON EVANS!!
STANDING OVATION FOR THIS MATCH! The lights go out during the celebration, and when they come back on we see the four mysterious men showing up and they all beat Je’Von Evans down! The four men quadruple team Evans as two of them alley-oop Evans into a double powerbomb. They act pretty tough for a 4-on-1 beatdown. Breaktime.
When we come back, we get comments from Brooks Jenson, Niko Vance, and Izzi Dame speaking to the new NXT North American Champion Shawn Spears. He tells them that last week he took their gold, and next week they will take the hearts of The D’Angelo Family. This group is now called The Culling.
Backstage, Eddie Thorpe gets interviewed in the crowd with a lot of heavy boos from the crowd. Thorpe claims that Trick will choke like the New York Knicks. Trick shows up to attack him from behind and they battle through the crowd, to the ringside area, into the ring, and Williams clotheslines him out the ring until security comes out to separate them!
- Eddie Thorpe will take on Trick Williams in an NXT Underground match next week.
- The D’Angelo Family vs. The Culling battle in a 6-person tag team match.
- Ricky Saints takes on Ridge Williams one-on-one next week.
- Also, Sol Ruca challenges Chelsea Green for the Women’s United States Championship.
It’s now time for the title-for-title “winner takes all” main event as Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer are walking the halls backstage before a commercial break. Stephanie Vaquer head out first with the NXT Women’s North American Championship, then Giulia comes out next with the NXT Women’s Championship, and they are ready for this champion vs. champion match! Mike Rome is back in the ring for the proper championship title match introductions.
* Winner Takes All – Champion vs. Champion, Title-for-Title Match:
Stephanie Vaquer {Women’s North American Champion} vs. Giulia {NXT Women’s Champion}
Both titles are on the line, and both women shake hands at the bell. They charge at each other with a lock-up, Giulia backs her to the ropes, clean break, they trade shots, Giulia hits a big forearm, puts her in a hammerlock, Stephanie counters, Giulia counters the SVB and we have a stalemate. Stephanie puts her in a side headlock, armdrag, sends her into the ropes, Giulia rolls her up for 2, then Stephanie puts her in a leglock, and they rolls to the ropes and out the ring. Both women get back up, trading shots in front of the announce table, they get back in before the countout, Giulia slams her head onto the top turnbuckle, goes up top, hits a missile dropkick, but Stephanie hooks her over the ropes and out the ring, than hits a springboard crossbody to the floor!
We get our final commercial break with picture-in-picture so we continue to watch this important match. Stephanie gets her back into the ring, Giulia ducks the tiger feint kick, pulls Vaquer onto the apron, hits a draping neckbreaker, and gets back on the apron for a quick rest. Giulia throws her back into the ring, hits a running facewash, drags her out to get a 2-count, Stephanie tries to fight back but Giulia hits a big forearm shot again, then hits a neckbreaker for 2. Stephanie drops her with a jawbreaker, snapmare into the figure-4 headlock, Giulia counters into a modified camel cloutch, then does her own figure-4 headlock face slam to Vaquer and covers for 2!
We come back full screen for the conclusion of the match as Giulia has Vaquer in a cravate. Stephanie counters with a throw, hits Eat Defeat, hits running knees in the corner, puts her in the figure-4 headlock face slam, and covers for 2. The crowd chants Booker T’s name as they know he loves that move! Stephanie pops up to the top rope, Giulia cuts her off with a palm strike, delivers the double underhook superplex, and both women are down!
Stephanie hits a thrust kick, Giulia delivers a back suplex, plants her with the hammerlock powerslam, and covers for a near-fall. Giulia drops her, Stephanie side-steps her in a corner, hits a snap dragon screw out the corner, hits the SVB package backbreaker, and covers for 1-2-KICKOUT!! Stephanie goes up top, lands the Spinal Tab, but Giulia counters into the Triangle, and switches to the Rings of Saturn until Vaquer gets her boot on the bottom rope to break! Stephanie rolls her up for 2, Giulia hits the Arrivederci running knee, covers, and gets 2.5! Stephanie counters the northern lights bomb, hits a superkick, another superkick, hits the SVB, picks her back up, hits another SVB, and COVERS FOR 1-2-3!!!
Stephanie Vaquer has just make history AGAIN and AGAIN!! Vaquer is now the first-ever Chilean-born NXT Women’s Champion, and the first-ever woman to hold two NXT singles championships simultaneously! Vaquer is also the first women since Becky Lynch to hold two women’s singles championships at the same time. CONGRATULATIONS to Stephanie Vaquer on retaining her NXT Women’s North American Championship, and becoming the new NXT Women’s Champion!!
NXT: Roadblock is must-see with every match from top to bottom spectacular to watch. A very enjoyable show filled with action!