Tonight is the final Dynamite before the sixth annual Revolution Pay Per View! Adam Copeland will be in action, and everyone will be gunning for momentum before their matches on Sunday.
MJF is backstage, and he says that Hangman poked the bear, and now he wants to fight him on the streets.
Tony Schiavone welcomes Swerve and Ricochet for a contract signing. Schiavone asks Ricochet where the Embassy robe is, Ricochet says it will be there on Sunday, but it’s being “updated”. He says this will go better than Swerve’s previous contract signings, because his house won’t get burned down. He says he should be done with Swerve, and Swerve started it. Then he signs the contract. Swerve says that nothing Ricochet has done is actually impressive, but his biggest mistake was letting Swerve live, and now he’s going to regret it. He says Ricochet will only be known for Swerve reviving his career, and for his ring announcer wife. He signs and goes to leave. Ricochet goes to stab him with a pair of scissors, but Swerve blocks, pulls out his own pair of scissors, and stabs Ricochet.
Match One: Will Ospreay, Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy and Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Bryan Keith, Mark Davis and Murder Machines
Ospreay and Cage start off, Ospreay tees off, hurricanrana, blocked, Cage with a slam, lariats in the corner, lariat in the middle of the ring, powerbomb, blocked, Ospreay with a hurricanrana, boot, back suplex, Briscoe in, punch to the gut, chop, punch, whip, reversed, Briscoe with thrusting punches, whip, reversed, Briscoe floats over, boot, whip, blocked, chop, punches, Cage goes for a back body drop, Briscoe lands on his feet, enziguri, ten-punch, Ospreay in, ten-punch, Hobbs in, ten-punch, Cassidy in, one-punch, Cage with a clothesline, whip, Cassidy floats to the apron, slams Cage’s head into the turnbuckle, forearm, springboard, Cage catches and hits a jackhammer, Archer in, forearm, another, whip, ripcord Black Hole Slam, stands on Cassidy, crossface punches, Davis in, punches, toss to the corner, chops, delayed vertical, Cage in, chop, delayed vertical, transitions to a body slam, delayed vertical, punch to the back, toss to the floor, Don Callis with stomps, everyone in the Don Callis Family take turns tagging in and carrying on a delayed vertical until Davis finally hits the move for two, Bryan Keith in, Cassidy hits a suplex, Davis in, clears the opposing corner, suplex to Cassidy, reversed into Stundog Millionaire, Hobbs in, cleans house, trades punches with Davis, trades tackles, brawls with Murder Machines, eventually gets the better of them, his whole team begins cleaning house, Hobbs covers for two as Keith breaks the count, punches to Hobbs for little effect, chops for not much better, Davis with a powerbomb, Keith tags in, boot, another, t-bone suplex, blocked with an elbow, Hobbs with a lariat, Ospreay in, springboard forearm, Cage tries to run in, eats a springboard kick, Keith gets hit with a Cheeky Nando’s for two, Davis attacks Ospreay from behind, everyone starts trading signatures, Ospreay hits Hidden Blade for three.
Winners: Will Ospreay, Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe and Powerhouse Hobbs
Mark Davis chokes Ospreay out after the bell, at which point Don Callis Family beat him down. Kyle Fletcher comes out, tees off on Ospreay, the team resumes beating him down, Mark Davis decides that’s enough and pulls Fletcher off, they have a shouting match, Brian Cage demands that Davis take a chair and beat Ospreay, Davis takes the chair, eventually does hit Ospreay. Fletcher then suplexes Ospreay onto the set-up chair.
Match Two: Wheeler Yuta vs. Adam Copeland
Lockup, Copeland gets Yuta to the corner, break, lockup, repeat, Yuta goes for a boot, blocked, lockup, Copeland with a trip, some more jockeying, Copeland with a lariat, side headlock, Yuta whips his way out, Copeland with a shoulder tackle, sunset flip, reversed into a rollup for two, itself reversed into a rollup for two, Yuta with an ankle lock, Copeland gets out, monkey flip, armbar, Yuta to his feet, break in the corner, chops, shoulder tackle to the gut, whip, reversed, Yuta floats over, arm drag, another, dropkick, kip up, Copeland tosses him to the apron, trip on the floor, rolls Yuta into the ring, forearms in the corner, whip, reversed, Copeland with a boot, floats over, his knee gives him trouble, Yuta with a trip, mounted punches, shin choke in the ropes, repeat, knee drop for two, chinlock, Copeland to his feet, elbow, Yuta with a knee, neckbreaker for two, knee drop, chinlock, elbows, high angle slam for two, goes up top, Copeland follows him up there with punches, superplex, blocked, Yuta with punches, headbutt, splash for two, goes for Cattle Mutilation, Copeland reverses into a crossface, Yuta reverses into a rollup for two, Copeland with a boot, Impaler DDT, Yuta with a Busaiku Knee, Copeland lands on the floor, Yuta rolls him back in the ring and covers for two, Cattle Mutilation, Copeland to his feet, Glam Slam, spear for three.
Winner: Adam Copeland
Copeland grabs a mic, helps Yuta up, and shakes his hand. He tells him that this is what respect feels like, then walks off. Jon Moxley hits the ring, gets in Yuta’s face, pie faces him a couple times, Yuta pie faces him back and walks off. Moxley follows after him and tells him to keep walking. Moxley says that Copeland has pulled it off, he’ll be all alone on Sunday. He admits that Copeland is in his head, but that’s just going to be worse. He says that Copeland lied to Yuta, because there is no such thing as respect in this business, unless you show that you’re willing to pull the trigger.
They show a video package for The Outrunners.
MJF is still on the street, and he tells Renee that this proves that Hangman is a coward, and the main character of AEW is MJF. Hangman arrives and chases MJF. He finally catches him and brings him to the arena area, only for it to turn out that that’s not MJF. The real MJF attacks from behind, gets in the ring, goes for Heat Seeker, blocked, Hangman goes for a Buckshot Lariat, blocked with a low blow, Heat Seeker. He then reveals a shirt that says “MJF Did Nothing Wrong”. Then he keeps beating down Page. He goes to grab the diamond ring, Hangman starts teeing off on him, but MJF gets in a shot with the ring on. He grabs a mic and says everyone loves when Hangman burns things, but let’s see how they feel when MJF does it. He gets a can of lighter fluid from under the ring, covers Hangman in it, pulls out a lighter, but gets taken out by a bevy of security and referees.
Lexy Nair asks the director of Queen of the Ring about his movie. He gives a synopsis, then introduces Toni Storm, who hypes up her interview tonight.
Match Three: Kris Statlander and Thunder Rosa vs. Megan Bayne and Penelope Ford
Stat and Ford start off, Stat tosses Ford around, trading rear waistlocks, Stat with an arm drag, side headlock takeover, Ford reverses into a head scissors, Stat gets out, dropkick, toss to the corner, Rosa in, toss to the same corner, Stat in, avalanche, Rosa in, chop in the ropes, whip, reversed, Rosa falls, Ford with a dropkick to the back of the head for one, side headlock, Rosa with forearms, running dropkick, Stat in, elbow drop, Bayne with a boot, Rosa goes for a crossbody, reversed into a fireman’s carry slam onto Stat on the floor, Bayne then tosses Ford onto their opponents, rolls Ford and Stat into the ring, Ford covers for two, brawl erupts, Bayne beats down Rosa, Ford with a slam to Rosa, bow and arrow hold, leg choke, Bayne in, tosses Rosa around, Rosa with chops, Bayne with a suplex, blocked, Rosa with kicks, enziguri, Stat in, cleans house, Rosa aids her in cleaning house, Stat goes up top, Ford pulls her down, Rosa with a forearm to Ford, goes for a piledriver, Ford tosses her to the corner, Bayne in, double whip, Ford with an avalanche, Rosa hits Bayne with a boot when she goes for same, Rosa tees off on both opponents, Bayne still hits her with an F5 for the win.
Winners: Megan Bayne and Penelope Ford
Renee asks Mercedes Mone about her upcoming match with Momo Watanabe. She says the result will be the same as last time, and that Serena Deeb will probably beat Watanabe on Saturday.
Max Caster comes out for his open challenge. He talks himself up, then Jay White comes out.
Match Four: Max Caster vs. Jay White
Caster keeps trying to get the crowd to cheer him, Blade Runner for three.
Winner: Jay White
White grabs a mic and says that he and Copeland have had each other’s backs since Copeland joined the fight. He says that Moxley’s all alone, but White will be there to see Copeland win.
Renee sits down with Storm and May. After Renee reveals that they all agreed to no physicality, May spits on Storm, to which Storm responds “Nice to know you still care”, and Renee tears a strip off of May, who responds by saying that Storm ruined everything, but now they get to have the ending they always wanted. Storm says that May does not deserve the dignity of death, and that May’s fate will be to live in obscurity, the star she could have been forever eclipsed by the monster she became, and then burned out.
Main Event: Ricochet and Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada vs. Swerve Strickland and Brody King
Swerve and Okada start off, jockeying for a hold, break, Ricochet in, double team beatdown, King goes to even the odds, the ref blocks him, King still beats down Okada on the floor, Swerve tees off on Ricochet in the ring before dumping him on the floor, Swerve and King beat down their opponents on the floor, legal men back in the ring, Swerve kicks Ricochet around, whip, reversed, Swerve holds the rope, boots Ricochet, Ricochet with a Codebreaker for one, stomps, Okada in, beats Swerve down on the floor, DDT, breaks the count, rolls Swerve into the ring, DDT for two, knees, Ricochet in, knee choke, catapult guillotine, springboard senton, Okada in, forearms in the corner, misses an avalanche, Swerve with a backbreaker, dropkick, Brody in, cleans house, Okada with a crossbody for two, goes up top, leapfrogs, kicks, King with a clothesline, double tag, Swerve with a clothesline for two, piledriver, blocked, Ricochet with a punch, powerbomb, blocked, Swerve with a punch, Ricochet with kicks, Swerve goes for a powerbomb, reversed into a DDT for two, trading signature moves, Swerve hits the Swerve Stomp for two as Okada breaks the count with a top rope senton, Okada and King fight, King misses a Cannonball, Okada grabs his championship belt, Swerve hits Okada with a House Call, King with a Cactus Clothesline, Ricochet hits Swerve with the belt for three.
Winners: Ricochet and Kazuchika Okada
The bad guys celebrate on the floor as Dynamite goes off the air.