Ian’s Post-Revolution Dynamite Recap


Tonight, on Dynamite, the fallout from Revolution! We’ll see the first two matches in the Dynasty International Championship Eliminator Tournament, we’ll see Swerve and Moxley begin their rivalry in earnest, and we’ll hear from new International Champion Kenny Omega!

Dynamite opens with Kenny Omega hitting the ring. He says his win moves him past just being happy to be able to try wrestling again, he’s now a singles champion again, which he wasn’t sure would ever happen again. He says he needs to thank Takeshita, because he pushed him harder than he could have pushed himself. He says Takeshita made the International Championship truly international.

Match One: The Opps vs. Three Jobbers

Shibata has a staredown with Omega on the ramp on the way to the ring.

Joe starts off, lockup with bearded jobber, volley of strikes into the flesh of bearded jobber, chop, whip to the corner, jobber with an elbow, Hook in, smaller bearded jobber in, Hook tosses him across the ring, gut punches in the corner, Northern Lights, other jobber in, dives and misses, Shibata in, clears the corner, knees jobber, boot in the corner, chops, running dropkick, double underhook suplex for two, chinlock, PK for three.

Winners: The Opps

Backstage, Ricochet says he didn’t care about the robe, but the International Championship would look good. He offers Shibata a chance to forfeit their opening round match.

An unnamed interviewer asks Swerve when he wants to cash in his title shot. He says he wants to become a world champion at Dynasty for the second time. Adam Copeland walks in and says he didn’t lose at Revolution, so he might be world champion soon, and they’ll meet down the line.

Elsewhere backstage, Jon Moxley says Copeland, being “the ultimate opportunist”, should see the irony in what went down on Sunday. He says he underestimated Copeland, who was clearly hurt, but didn’t stop coming forward. He challenges Copeland to a street fight, which is official for next week.

Match Two: Hologram and Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Dralistico and Brian Cage

Hologram is accompanied by “Harleygram”, and Dralistico is accompanied by The Beast Mortos.

Hobbs starts beating down Cage on the floor, Dralistico locks Hologram in a chinlock in the ring, Dralistico and Hologram trade grips, Dralistico with a kick, grabs at the mask, Hologram tosses him to the floor, suicide dive, reversed into a suplex from Cage, Cage follows up with a fallaway slam back into the ring, I guess at some point he tagged in? Whip to the corner, Dralistico in, kicks, whip to the corner, leg choke in the ropes, Cage with a boot, Cage in, 619, whip to the corner, stomps, Dralistico in, running boot, pose on the top rope, elbow to the back of the head, toss to the floor, Beast Mortos attacks, Harleygram uses herself as a human shield, Dralistico rolls Hologram into the ring, Hologram with a bevy of kicks, crucifix bomb, Hobbs in, cleans house, calls for Cage, gets him, mutual clotheslines, Cage with kicks, superkick, misses a discus lariat, Hobbs with a tackle, powerslam for two, brawl breaks out, Hobbs and Dralistico end up legal, brawl continues, Hobbs hits a spinebuster for three.

Winners: Powerhouse Hobbs and Hologram

Lance Archer has words with Dralistico after the bell.

Backstage, The Hurt Syndicate talk about how they’re looking forward to who’s next.

Toni Storm comes out and declares victory. She says it was worth it, but now it’s time for a new beginning. She then calls out the entire locker room. As she’s posing to end the segment, she’s attacked by Megan Bayne.

Match Three: International Championship Eliminator: The Beast Mortos vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey

That’s right, Speedball is the wildcard!

Speedball dicks a clothesline, hits kicks, Mortos with a slap, whip, Bailey floats over, kick, rapid kicks, kick to the face from the apron, misses a moonsault on the floor, Mortos with a kick, knee drop, chop, toss into the ring post, blocked, Bailey with chops, roundhouse kick, Mortos rolls into the ring, Bailey goes up top, misses but rolls through, Mortos charges, misses and hits the floor, Speedball with a suicide dive, rolls Mortos in, goes up top, Mortos crotches him, eye gouge, backbreaker, suicide dive, rolls Bailey into the ring, armbar, break, punch in the corner, European uppercut, Bailey with punches to the gut, Mortos with a slap, whip to the corner, running elbow, kick, Bailey with a missile dropkick, backbreaker for two, running boot on the apron, top rope moonsault to the floor, rolls Mortos into the ring, Mortos goes up top, Bailey with a superkick, powerbomb for two, goes up top, misses Ultimate Weapon, Mortos with a Samoan Drop for two, fight atop the top rope, Mortos with a Gorilla Press Slam for two, trading chops, Mortos with a backbreaker, discus lariat, powerbomb, reversed into a hurricanrana for two, reversed into a rollup for two, Bailey with a kick to the face, moonsault knee, spin kick for three.

Winner: Mike Bailey

Renee asks Christian why he chose Sunday to cash in. Christian says he won’t answer any questions asked by anyone related to Jon Moxley. After he forces her to leave, he says he’s still the next champion, and he demands the contract be returned to him. He says the cash-in was supposed to be a one on one match with Copeland, and he didn’t tap out anyway. He also says he didn’t pass out, he was getting ready. Nick Wayne says that Christian is just making excuses, and he’s lying to everyone, including him. Christian responds by shoving him, which prompts Mother Wayne to step in, until Christian threatens to fire her. He asks Nick Wayne how many world titles he or his biological father have ever won, and says he’ll be AEW World Champion if it’s the last thing he ever does.

Lexy Nair tries to interview MJF in his locker room, who is revealed to be having a breakdown, calling himself a fraud before punching a mirror.

MJF then hits the ring. He says Hangman won via a cheap shot, but he’s over it. MVP comes out, and after a few tense moments, they embrace. MVP reveals that MJF once drove him to a documentary interview, in exchange for being able to ask him questions. He says they then met again at an indy show in Florida, and he knew MJF was going to be a star. He says he’s proud of MJF, but he can’t be proud of what happened on Sunday. He asks why MJF is whining instead of getting angry, and says that MJF has lost his edge. He offers him his services, but MJF turns him down, saying he respects MVP, but he’s not the same kid, and he doesn’t need help or advice. He reminds everyone that he was champion for 406 days, MVP tells him to focus on the word “was”. MJF then accepts the business card.

After a commercial, Max Caster hits the ring for his open challenge. He says his shirt is the top seller, then tries to start his excessively-long chant again. When it doesn’t work, he says the audience is stupid, and so is whoever accepts the open challenge.

Match Four: Max Caster vs. Konosuke Takeshita

Caster keeps the mic in his hand and says there’s no way Takeshita could be there to fight him, he must be inviting him into the Don Callis Family. He says that, with the Callis Family’s help, maybe he could even beat Kenny Omega. Takeshita hits him with an elbow, then covers him for two, pulling him up himself to break the count, and hits Raging Fire for three.

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

Chris Jericho says his feud with Bandido has been taken to the point of no return now.

Match Five: Willow Nightingale vs. Penelope Ford

Ford goes for a kick, blocked, locks in a side headlock, Willow whips her way out, tackle, misses a clothesline, hits a body slam, diving crossbody for two, toss to the corner, clotheslines, Ford tosses Willow into the corner, punch, Willow tosses Ford back into the corner, snapmare, suplex for two, goes for Snake Eyes, blocked, Ford tosses Willow into the turnbuckle, kick, knee drop to the apron, toss into the steps, breaks the count, trading forearms, Ford rolls Willow into the ring, follows, forearms in the corner, knees to the back, bow and arrow hold, jockeying for position, Willow hits a lariat and a running senton for two, suplex, blocked, Ford with a rollup for two, kick, choke in the ropes, stands on Willow in the ropes, whip, blocked, Ford with a forearm, Willow with a chop, lariat, another, a third, running hip check, elbow, snapmare, boot, whip, spinebuster for two, Babe with the Powerbomb, blocked, Ford goes for a backslide, blocked, Willow with a Gory Special, Ford bites her way out, Willow tosses her to the corner, Ford manages to lock in a cross armbreaker in the ropes, shoulder tackle, goes up top, crossbody for two, Willow with punches, toss into the corner, powerslam for two, Ford with a rollup for two, trading forearms, Willow with a superkick, Ford with a boot, Stunner, goes for another, blocked, Willow with a Pounce for three.

Winner: Willow Nightingale

Penelope Ford attacks Willow with a chair after the bell and beats her down until Kris Statlander makes the save. Megan Bayne then clotheslines both Willow and Stat, then F5s Stat.

Renee introduces Mercedes Mone, then says that Mone requested Billie Starks’ presence. Renee asks what Starks learned on Sunday. She says she learned not to get kicked in the throat, but then says she and Mone have a lot in common, but she’s looking to become champion next week. Mone accepts.

Tony Schiavone welcomes Will Ospreay to the ring and says it’s a miracle he’s still standing. Ospreay says the scariest thing is how hard it was to keep up with Fletcher and Fletcher’s age, and that Fletcher only has up to go. He admits he’s in trouble with his wife, because he lied to her and said he wouldn’t do anything stupid off the cage. He says he needs to win gold now, and he’s calling his shot for All In: Texas. He announces that he’s entering the Owen Hart Cup.

Renee tries to interview Jay White, who starts by congratulating Ospreay, but then says they’ll meet again. Renee asks White about the briefcase shot at Revolution. White asks Renee if she thinks he hit Copeland on purpose, then asks the crowd, before answering that no, he didn’t. He says he’s going to be the #1 Contender whether Swerve is in his way or not.

Renee tries to ask Hangman about his match at Revolution. MJF interrupts, but Hangman says he doesn’t believe that MJF was actually going to light him on fire, and he doesn’t believe MJF really doesn’t care what the people think. MJF responds that he’s going to go on to become a multi-time world champion, but Hangman won’t quite make it before he tumbles back down. He says that Hangman’s weakness is that he doesn’t believe he’s worthy of the crowd’s love, and he’s right. Hangman just responds, “We’ll see, won’t we?”

Main Event: International Championship Eliminator: Orange Cassidy vs. Hechicero

Hechicero ties Cassidy up in knots, chop, keylock, Cassidy wrenches an arm, hurricanrana, Hechicero misses a dropkick in the ropes, Cassidy with a rollup for two, goes for a suicide dive, stops short when Hechicero gets out of the way, Hechicero gets back in the ring, goes for a cross arm breaker, blocked, goes for another attempt, snaps the arm, knee in the corner, both men to the floor, Hechicero tosses Cassidy into the steps, boot to the face, rolls him into the ring, full nelson, knees, Black Hole Slam for two, pump handle slam, knee drop, snaps the arm, chop in the corner, whip, Cassidy floats over, Hechicero locks in a chinlock in the ropes, Cassidy elbows his way out, misses a boot, Hechicero elbows the leg, dragon screw, wrenches the knee in the ropes, Cassidy with an elbow, goes up top, crossbody, DDT, blocked, Hechicero with a backbreaker for two, Cassidy with a DDT, then another, Hechicero locks in a cross arm breaker, Cassidy rolls through, some tussling, Cassidy goes for Stundog Millionaire, blocked, more tussling, Cassidy with the Seat Belt for three.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Speedball Mike Bailey comes out and stares down Cassidy as Dynamite goes off the air.